
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Castle : The end

You hear it often enough : Go out on a high. Quit while you still got it. Get out before you ruin it. Well somebody really needed to say this to Castle's makers. What started out as a cute, adorable come thrilling crime detective show sure didn't deserve such a tasteless ending. It was one of ABC's good ones. Charming and am-all-about-the-story novelist, not to mention cute as a button too, topped by Hot tough cop with baggage and unstoppable thirst of justice and their earnest lil team. Unlike the other detective shows, The way they approached and solved each crime was almost always relatable to the audience and always managed to tell a story too. Add the spice of the evident attraction between the too and ta da ! you have a winner.

Let's face it, the show's storyline started taking a hit after Beckett's mother's murder was solved. The writers didn't seem to have a clue where to take it anymore. They tried to go the #Mentalist way. They started out by trying shoe Beckett's rise by making her join the FBI, that didn't work out. Then came the angry Captain angle and then Castle just went missing and forgets two months of his life and finally the biggest debacle of them all : LockSat. This was the worst of the plots and personally, half the time I was like screw LockSat, what is it anyway? They slowly tried to build the season towards the exposure of the men behind LockSat : the-know-it-all-spy. But the season was too weak from the very beginning. Heavy reliance on the new characters and nothing new on the plate. But believe me when I say, nothing's worse than its end. If you haven't already watched it, my suggestion would be to stay away and remember Castle for what it represented and not the tragic way it ended.

For those of you miserable lot, who just can't let it go, here's the brief summary of the very last episode :

Becket and Vikram get a lead on LockSat and seek Caleb B, the lawyer's help to break this case wide open. Turns out it was a trap and the Caleb is already dead. Beckett & Castle are almost caught when from out of nowhere comes an old spy-friend of Castle's dad and rescues them and disappears saying that's all the help he can give. The duo decide to head out of the country and lay low as their cover was clearly blown. Predictably, Beckett ends up getting another clue and goes back on her promise to back off. Castle realizes this and tries to join forces, however ends up being kidnapped and tortured by Loksat's hitman. Meanwhile, Old man spy guy develops a conscience and calls Beckette in and decides to help her cause. Loksat revealed himself to a helpless, tortured Castle and guess who that is ? The very old man, who was their savior early on. Turns out there's no story there, just some guy trying to protect his business. He orders him to be killed, while announcing that he is on the way to take out Beckett. Beckett figures out half way through about his motives and has the most insulting and tiniest of fights with him and BAMM!! old man is dead on the floor. Case closed,without any revelations, story or closure for any one. Vikram announces the end of LockSat and we're like, yeah right!

Castle and Beckett goes back to their place while others go for drinks. Castle is still puzzled as of why the old man burned Caleb B's body out in a car when he could do so at his office's incinerator? At that very moment walks in an alive Caleb ! He shoots Castle and Beckett, however she manages to shoot him too. They lay together ,bleeding out. 

There is a tiny epilogue sorta thing : "Seven Years later", Castle and Beckett are happily sitting and sipping tea with a bunch of kids. Looking peaceful and content.

Well there you go, what do make of that?

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Remote Access on Windows 8.1

For those of you who are facing the heat in doing even the smallest of tasks in Win 8.1 and somehow still refuse to switch back to Win 7 (like me) , hang in there! Soo, recently I tried to share my Laptop's Remote Access with a friend and experienced several glitches, so here's what worked for me:

  1. Go to Control Panel, (in Category view)
  2. Click on System and Security
  3. Go to Windows Firewall, click on "Allow an app through Windows Firewall". Tick on:             
             *Remote Assistance
*Remote Service Management
             *Windows Remote Management
     4.  Go to System in System and Security
     5.  Click on Allow Remote Access.

There you go, Rest of it is easy-peasy.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Deepika Padukone on Her Battle With Depression

This moving interview with India's much loved starlet: Deepika Padukone is very moving and worth a share. Another reason to love this talented young woman. I am sure many people would identify with it and come forward to face the stigma. The statistics are alarming: apparently 36% of India is depressed. The highlight of the discussion is that there is no shame in seeking help, as its just another ailment. Also another point that striked me was that when kept in dark, depressed people can go on living their life with this burden, with hard and harder days and never go on to hit their full potential at all.
 Here's hoping each one of you take something away from this interview and under the transformational change that lifts you to the best version of yourself.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Know Yourself

To some of us answers come easily as things fall into their place and the Jigsaw makes sense soon enough. Others need a tiny nudge to clear the haze in the road and figure out the path to embark on. Its a good thing that there are geeks out there, who're committed to make life easier for others. Myer & Briggs did us a similar favor: "MBTI Test" I always thought of myself us an out and out 'Extrovert' but then started questioning my judgement when I noticed traits contrasting my beliefs. Myer & Briggs have come out with an instrument to classify individuals into 16 personality types based on:

  •  Extroversion Vs Introversion
  •  Feeling Vs Thinking
  •  Perceptive Vs Judging
  •  Intuition Vs Sensing

This test not only helps us identify our personality, but also helps us identify the type of career we'd excel in. So if you're confused (as I was) then be sure to check this test out before you start googling Career Counselors near you!

You can take the test here:


For further details on MBTI:


Friday, June 13, 2014

Miracle Child

Yeah I believe. No, I am not a believer in God per se.  I do believe in miracles. The possibility that there is a teeny tiny push/hope on the other side of which we see happiness. People are so very practical, cynical mostly, having a back up plan formulated, an approved plan B. I found it strange, amusing even. Why think of the possibility of your dear idea falling short at all? I push and push till I get it done with original plan alone, sometimes barely by an inch, puffing and sweating,but still! It took quite some time for me to realise that I am the strange one here. It was the matress of luck that saved me from the fall till now, I finally realised. When it run out, I couldnt see where I had ended up. But the touch of the unforgiving cold surface of concrete screamed unmistakeably. Contingency plans are long overdue, I suppose!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Lessons (Part 1)

There are two kinds of people out there: one who logically figure out things and approach the most practical solution and there are those who just refuse to read the memo. Falling in the second category can be a real problem. As you tend to try and work against the odds 4/10 times. You'd be trying to push the boat into the water, had you the big picture, you'd see how hopelessly anchored it is to the shore. Following a rule book and knowing the expected results is healthy, you'd always have an edge( or lose the anchor). I know, we've all heard it before. But really, yeah! You'd know if you'd pay a lil more attention to the traditional sayings you heard while growing up. Don't go poking your nose were it don't belong, meaning? trespassers will be prosecuted! Even if it is for someone's good, don't! Unless of course you are an immediate stake holder. Because you'll be hanged with a consolation dialogue ( something about your heart being in the right place. .) and the show goes on. There is no visible change of course, that stuff doesn't happen real life. Nothing has changed except of course every thing.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Once again that shade touches the surface, 
Once again it targets the abandoned and weak 
Just when the sun was reaching the horizon, 
The clouds come screaming leaving her chances bleak. 

Is it just a stranger passing by 
Or is it a stamp with a permanent hold? 
What does it seek this time from the broken whole? 

Tired, resigned to her fate, 
She begs for the ultimate end 
To be consumed fully 
Or to be left on her own to fend 

Be ithe eternal peace of death 
Or the reality of life 
She awaits at the door for a dash of condolence   
the pain seems part and parcel of her existence 

Soon this too shall pass and spring shall bloom once more 
But what use are dark clouds if they don't deliver life to the pheasant, poor? 

Persistence, not alone happiness has charm profound 
Unstable rogue's unraveled tale brings joy to few of those found 

She seeks the end or the very beginning 
With these riddles restless is her very being.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Google turns 15

Its Sept 4th and the world's favorite search engine turns "15". Using this occasion to point out some lesser known facts abouthis phenomena. Here they are:

  • Its initial name was "BackRub". (ha,ha. .thats really more of a itch relieving cream's name,rite?)
  • It was found in a garage! (Wow,can u believe it? Coz i sure cant)
  • Larry Page and Sergey Brinare are the founders(September 4, 1998).
  • Google celebrated this occasion by announcing its latest android: KitKat will be 4.4
  • Google actually rents out goats. . ! It rents goats from a company called California Grazing. It does so to cut down on the weeds at Google HQ. Wow, thats cheaaapp or smart?
  • a Google staffer is commonly referred to as a "Googler" while a new team member joins as a "Noogler" (Seriously?)
  •  Google actually has a "Dog Policy"! Yeah that's rite. staff are allowed to bring their dogs to the office. Unfortunately cats are not quite as welcome!
  • Google used to sport an exclamation mark ,way back. Just like Yahoo. (ouch)
  • Google has a concept called "Doodles". Dont u remember how the google home page logo changes on special occasions? Yup. that's it!
  • The Google home page is famously bare. Its in fact because of the fact that the founders didn’t know HTML back then! ha!
  •  "Googol" was the spelling they actually intended, but fate had other ideas. :)
  • I feel lucky” is a unused feature at the google page. However its retained for the 'google experience' on demand.

Dont believe my points? Go Google it!!