A seminar is a sequential presentation of a specific predetermined topic, based on quantitative research and study. Its a commonly used term and a concept that has integrated itself to almost all fields a man is engaged in. The most vital step into a good presentation is the choice of topic. This step makes or breaks your seminar presentation.
A good topic will be one with well defined meaning, decision and analysis. Often topics opted by a huge number of people will be the most apt. A good topic will help the respective person decide his course of action, mode of obtaining information and discussing and concluding.
If one wants to conduct a seminar successfully then he has to choose a global topic and attract attention of the crowd. Often we speak will about things that actually matter to us.i.e things that we actually love come out brighter and stronger and cause more impact. Therefore one should choose a topic which fascinates them, then his curiosity and deep interest will translate to the audience and invoke steering response. Thus will motivate the audience as well. Motivation is obviously one of the most stimulating advantages of attending a seminar.
The choice of topic largely depends on the source of information. The topic in question must be popular, with a history of successful presentations in the past. The likely chances of a seminar being success is almost 100% if its had success in the past. If people are willing to pay to attend you're seminar then you know you got what it takes .
In today's world, time is at premium . People are willing to pay handsomely for easier and guaranteed delivery of relevant information. So we need to consider this at time of presentation of the seminar.
The topic we decide upon should have a laser beam focus. It should be clear what portion audience your aiming your focus at. You should be clear if your target is a certain age group or a gender etc.this will help you to concentrate more on your presentation and as well as make the whole experience a lot more rewarding. In such scenarios its always advisable to plan aspect wise.
Marketing ones seminars are very important. Various information collection methods are sampling, surveying etc. Also it should be kept in mind that people attend seminars to grab benefits and marketing should be based on this idea.
All in all, seminar its rightly defined by the wikipedia as " a form of instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization."