They say it's the most wonderful emotion in the world. To love and be loved is what every person ultimately needs for a long and healthy life. Often we want different things at different times. As time passes, we lose track of our old desires, but some things never change. And love for her is among those.
As a child,she realized she was too arrogant ,too hot headed and stubborn to ever land the Prince charming the fairytales promised the lovely and gentle maidens. And realized dreams will have to do it. But the hope persisted on in some dark corner, patiently.
As luck would have it, when the opportunity presented itself, it was nothing like the stuff dreams where made off, but she grabbed onto it with both her hands firm. Like the alter ego of every girl, she too believed herself lucky to have found the guy. Days turned to months and months to years and she realized this is changing her life and she threw herself into it wholeheartedly, foolishly believing the forever notion from her dreams. She was radiant with the new found love and eager to dream more. She was living her dream and nothing else mattered.
When the turn came out of nowhere, she suddenly found herself at the bottom of a ditch that seemed to be never-ending. He was gone. The ruthless monster was onto his new interest and a shiny new toy to showcase to his friends. That's when she started seeing past the delusional fog.
She desperately tried to hold onto her bearings but couldn't. She cried fowl aloud in a voiceless scream.
Slowly she's trying to climb over the wall that separates her and the happy people. She tells me she'll date to dream again,i ask her why? Don't fancy another chance at this kinda mess,iwarn her.But why does she still dream of love? Is it just a self destructive strategy or is it sane in some unknown dimension.?
As she keeps descending down this lane, she can't help but question the very basis of our beliefs. What goes around, comes around sang Justin Timberlake, echoing the popular belief of paying for one's doing. She is yet to wake up to such a fair day. And she can see now that whoever said life isn't fair, knew what he was talking about.
She really does want to believe in the power of karma. What one sows he should reap right? The girl hopes atLeast this holds and some day in the future, it'll be made even. Everything will be fine then, she says, her eyes staring into the moonless night.