
Friday, June 13, 2014

Miracle Child

Yeah I believe. No, I am not a believer in God per se.  I do believe in miracles. The possibility that there is a teeny tiny push/hope on the other side of which we see happiness. People are so very practical, cynical mostly, having a back up plan formulated, an approved plan B. I found it strange, amusing even. Why think of the possibility of your dear idea falling short at all? I push and push till I get it done with original plan alone, sometimes barely by an inch, puffing and sweating,but still! It took quite some time for me to realise that I am the strange one here. It was the matress of luck that saved me from the fall till now, I finally realised. When it run out, I couldnt see where I had ended up. But the touch of the unforgiving cold surface of concrete screamed unmistakeably. Contingency plans are long overdue, I suppose!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Lessons (Part 1)

There are two kinds of people out there: one who logically figure out things and approach the most practical solution and there are those who just refuse to read the memo. Falling in the second category can be a real problem. As you tend to try and work against the odds 4/10 times. You'd be trying to push the boat into the water, had you the big picture, you'd see how hopelessly anchored it is to the shore. Following a rule book and knowing the expected results is healthy, you'd always have an edge( or lose the anchor). I know, we've all heard it before. But really, yeah! You'd know if you'd pay a lil more attention to the traditional sayings you heard while growing up. Don't go poking your nose were it don't belong, meaning? trespassers will be prosecuted! Even if it is for someone's good, don't! Unless of course you are an immediate stake holder. Because you'll be hanged with a consolation dialogue ( something about your heart being in the right place. .) and the show goes on. There is no visible change of course, that stuff doesn't happen real life. Nothing has changed except of course every thing.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Once again that shade touches the surface, 
Once again it targets the abandoned and weak 
Just when the sun was reaching the horizon, 
The clouds come screaming leaving her chances bleak. 

Is it just a stranger passing by 
Or is it a stamp with a permanent hold? 
What does it seek this time from the broken whole? 

Tired, resigned to her fate, 
She begs for the ultimate end 
To be consumed fully 
Or to be left on her own to fend 

Be ithe eternal peace of death 
Or the reality of life 
She awaits at the door for a dash of condolence   
the pain seems part and parcel of her existence 

Soon this too shall pass and spring shall bloom once more 
But what use are dark clouds if they don't deliver life to the pheasant, poor? 

Persistence, not alone happiness has charm profound 
Unstable rogue's unraveled tale brings joy to few of those found 

She seeks the end or the very beginning 
With these riddles restless is her very being.